Seeker’s Solution Summit 48-hour Replay Period

All interviews are unlocked until the end of the day on February 2nd!

Louise Matson

Decode Your Spiritual Roadmap

Alana Heim

Prosperity Possibilities Within Your Energy Blueprint

Michelle Clare

Nurturing the Soul on a Path to Joyful Flourishing

Masami Covey

Unveiling the Essence of Your Light and Reclaiming Your Moon Power

Zabe Barnes

From Sea to the Soul: Exploring Seashells as Dimensional Keys

Teri Jo Wheeler

Nurturing Higher Inner Wisdom and Rediscovering the Genius of the Inner Child

Matthew John

Unlocking the Wisdom and Gifts of Your Starseed Origin

Michelle Masters

Hacking Happiness: Rewiring Your Neurology for Joy

Kelvin Young

Harmonizing Wellness: The Transformative Power of Sound on the Journey to Recovery

Elena Angel

Navigating Your Path Through the Alchemy of Your Soul

Corinna Drissner

Bridging Body, Mind, and Soul: The Power of Shamanic Psychokinesiology

Alana Parkinson

Unlocking DNA to Release Embodied Potential

Starr Fuentes

Sacred Codes of Light Unlocking Spiritual Connection

Aria Z Young

Activating Light Language and Your Connection to the Infinite

Shannon Pardini

Ignite Your Inner Magic Through Quantum Alchemy

Amy Terepka

Exploring Earth Medicine and Harmonizing with Nature’s Rhythm

De’Nicea Hilton Harper

P.L.A.Y. Into Your Path and Purpose

Dr. Ashwin Kumar

Wholistic Wellness: Ayurvedic and Vedic Healing Traditions

Sandra Lee

Harmonizing Energies Through Biofield Tuning

Danielle Kane

Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Infinite Possibilities for Self-Healing

“It really is amazing to learn that there are so many wonderful modalities to help people heal their trauma and get on with living their life purpose.  Thanks again for providing such wonderful resources to hopefully a lot of people.  The time is now to help people awaken and change their lives.  When we heal ourselves…we heal the world.”

~Judie K.

“I have to tell you…. I am really enjoying this group of sessions.  It is really interesting how they all have a little different take on things and yet all meaningful and similar. After each session I am thinking , ok, this is the one I am going to have a connection with. Then I watch another and go, no wait, this feels good as well lol.  Anyway, I just want to write to say thank you…”  
~Ron S.

“I attended the summit you created and want to say a huge THANK YOU.  it was wonderful to watch and hear so many souls doing this magnificent work.   I felt so uplifted watching each one.  And I loved your interview technique. So connected and so engaged with each person.  Thank you for bringing this to the table.”  

~ Bonnie S.

Louise Matson

Decode Your Spiritual Roadmap – January 14th

Louise is an intuitive conscious channel, conduit for energy healing, shamanic practitioner, catalyst for transformational shifts, way shower and spiritual mentor and guide.  Louise channels Source Energy sharing the messages through her ‘Source Speaks’ blog posts, channeled healing journeys and healing work.  Her work includes 1:1 sessions with clients assisting them on their journeys of empowerment and spiritual growth, group work and creating and hosting the Mundane to Magical Online Series assisting people all over the world to come together as a high vibrational community supporting each other’s ascension process. Louise’s soul purpose and mission is to guide and assist people along their path from dis-empowerment to ‘Standing in Their Sovereignty’ and radiating their light openly to the world. Learn more at

Alana Heim

Prosperity Possibilities Within Your Energy Blueprint – Jan 15th

Alana Heim is the owner and soul essence of Prosperity Alignment, Inc. Alana believes prosperity comes through aligned intention and action – aligning who you are with what you want. She serves in the unique role of being a Cosmic Prosperity Activator guiding individuals, couples, and business owners to navigate the energetic currents beneath their work, life, and money, so they naturally flow in the river of infinite prosperity. After working as a typical CPA and CFP® for fifteen years, Alana realized her expertise was needed in a unique role of providing spiritual financial guidance to those ready to transform their relationships with self and money. She pairs her conventional experience with out-of-the-box thinking, Human Design expertise, Gene Key guidance, Quantum Alignment SystemTM training, neo-shamanic remote energy healing, sound channeling, and intuitive wisdom. Learn more at

Michelle Clare

Nurturing the Soul on a Path to Joyful Flourishing – January 16th

Michelle Clare is a Certified Medium, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Energetic Healer, Intuitive Life Coach and 3 time Near Death Experience (NDE) survivor. She receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as Angels and Life Guides. In a span of 11 years, she had 3 near death experiences, the first was in April 2000, the second was in May 2006 and a monumental life changing event in which Michelle suffered a traumatic brain injury on November 1, 2011.  Shortly after this life altering event, she started receiving information for other people from their loved ones who had transitioned. All 3 NDEs were a reminder of an unconditional love and connection that surpasses our earthly life. Learn more at 

Masami Covey

Unveiling the Essence of Your Light and Reclaiming Your Moon Power – January 17th

Masami is a Health Intuitive, Functional Nutritional Therapist, and internationally recognized speaker. She reveals the root causes of imbalance using Intuitive insights, whole-person approach, and laser-pointed guidance.  She translates our subtle “body language”, and provides practical daily tools, nutrient recommendations, breath-work, somatic movements, and more. Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family, and she draws extensively from her blend of East-meets-West culture, language, and energy medicine, as well as years of professional training and experience in Functional Nutritional Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Positive Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and applied linguistics.  Masami also holds a Master of Science in International Business.  She is a faculty member of The Shift Network and a frequent speaker on health and energy summits, podcasts, and programs. Learn more at

Zabe Barnes

From Sea to the Soul: Exploring Seashells as Dimensional Keys – January 18th

Zabe Barnes has spent the last 14 years cataloguing, writing about, and teaching the metaphysical energies of more than 300 different types of seashells. The magical healing methods that she has developed are currently practiced and taught in five languages, in 36 countries, and counting! She loves teaching people how to tap into the full, deep grace and power of the amazing spiral crystals from the sea. Learn more at

Teri Jo Wheeler

Nurturing Higher Inner Wisdom and Rediscovering the Genius of the Inner Child – January 18th

Teri Jo is a highly attuned, creative, and empathic Coach, Educator and Home Organizer who champions for truth, fun, freedom, flow and clarity.

Whether it is your heart, mind and body, or your home or office that is in need of decluttering, organization, and tender loving care, Teri Jo offers support and guidance in ways to best serve you and your Soul’s Purpose. 

Learn more at

Matthew John

Accelerating Your Awakening & Unlocking the Wisdom and Gifts of Your Starseed – January 19th

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coach working with angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler and transmitter of healing frequencies. Matthew has been on a 14-year+ Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development. As a Sirian & Andromedan Starseed Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on this Earth. Learn more at

Michelle Masters

Hacking Happiness: Rewiring Your Neurology for Joy – January 2oth

“If Yoda and Glinda the Good Witch had a baby, that would be Michelle.” – Sascha Ferguson

Internationally bestselling author Michelle Masters has been a Personal Development Trainer and Coach, in California and throughout the world, since 1995. Michelle’s work is an innovative use of Neuro-Science based change techniques, Family Constellation work (also known as Family Systems work), and quantum healing modalities, combined with profound understandings of what creates transformation and lasting change for people. Her hugely popular Money Magic workshop has helped people all over the world to transform their lives and money. Her book Money Magic: Clearing Your Path to Money, Time and Happiness became a bestseller in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. She has been nicknamed the ‘The Coaches’ Coach’ because so many of the top coaches and speakers in the world have trained and worked with her. Learn more at

Kelvin Young

Harmonizing Wellness: The Transformative Power of Sound on the Journey to Recovery – January 21st

Kelvin Young, RSS is an award-winning sound healer, recovery support specialist, published author and co-founder of the SoulCare Love, LLC. Kelvin has presented around the country in diverse settings, including yoga studios, retreat centers, conferences, high schools, colleges, prisons, addiction treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, and mental health agencies. He is passionate about holding space for people to heal and is known for his warm, loving, and down-to-earth way of connecting with people. Learn more at

Elena Angel

Navigating Your Path Through the Alchemy of Your Soul  – January 22nd

Elena Angel is a modern-day mystic, psychic healer, intuitive channel and spiritual guide, founder of the School of Soul Alchemy. Elena has a special gift for releasing karma and hidden negative energies from this life, your family system / ancestry, as well as past or parallel lives, helping you to connect with your soul purpose, heal your relationships and manifest your vision. Learn more at

Corinna Drissner

Bridging Body, Mind, and Soul: The Power of Shamanic Psychokinesiology – January 23rd

Corinna, a holistic coach and kinesiologist based in Germany, seamlessly blends ancient shamanic wisdom and energy work with modern techniques. Originating from an advertising background and owning her own agency, she is now a passionate bridge between the physical and the spiritual realms. Corinna is an accredited trainer for Manebua® Shamanic Psychokinesiology (MSPK), a distinctive form of kinesiology that incorporates shamanic techniques, such as soul retrieval and energy healing. With years of hands-on experience, she offers a unique approach to profound healing, well-being and transformation. Corinna envisions a world where all individuals feel balanced and comfortable across all aspects of life – be it work, relationships, family, or spiritual energy. She empowers seekers to unlock their true potential, fostering emotional release, and mental clarity. Her holistic approach invites individuals to actively participate in their self-discovery journey, promoting ease, balance, and resilience. Learn more at

Alana Parkinson

Ignite Your Inner Magic Through Quantum Alchemy – January 24th

Harnessing the power of adversity to fuel massive growth, Alana is a Master Alchemist who supports light workers and other awakening beings to fully step into their soul’s purpose. Using potent energetic practices, Alana reconnects her clients to their unique inner magick, intrinsic guidance system, and deep knowingness so they can expand through even the most difficult situations. Alana’s passion for helping awakened beings ascend here on Earth was born through the incredible growth that came from intentionally moving through her own life’s hurdles, including an almost decade long physical healing journey, divorce, financial struggles, a custody lawsuit, and navigating new love. Through these challenges, Alana developed the Quantum Alchemy Method™, a profoundly transformational process that creates harmony and balance on all planes of existence. Quantum Alchemy heals the traumas of your past, ignites the power of your present, and calls your magickal future right to you. Learn more at

Starr Fuentes

Sacred Codes of Light: Unlocking Spiritual Connection – January 25th

After decades of study with shamans, healers, Curenderos and Masters, Starr Fuentes has dedicated her life to helping others with the full unfolding of their purposes, paths and destinies. A master healer, spiritual teacher and intuitive Starr teaches more than 400 subjects, and has guided countless individuals down the path of healing, self-awareness and truth.

She combines the use of modern psychological tools with ancient healing and shamanistic traditions, presenting a fountain of information in a teaching style that is animated, dynamic, and full of life. She has trained over one-hundred teachers who continue to spread her alternative healing wisdom throughout the United States, Europe, Israel, Brazil, Australia, Canada, and Asia.

In January 2008 her book Healing with Energy: The Definitive Guide to Hands-On Techniques from a Master was published by New Page Books. Learn more at


Aria Z Young

Activating Light Language and Your Connection to the Infinite – January 26th

Aria is a cosmic channel, spiritual mentor, intuitive guide, student & educator, earth priestess and children’s book author. She shares spiritual practices, transmissions and divine reminders on her YouTube channel, and offers in person immersions, online programs, and healing experiences. Her mission is to bring souls home to their hearts, rekindle our relationship with mother earth, and create ripples of harmonious truth in this lifetime. Learn more at


Shannon Pardini

Unlocking DNA to Release Embodied Potential – January 27th

Shamanism, meditation and energy medicine have been a very natural practice and tool for me, that supports myself and others in awakening the truth within. I have studied and worked with many enlightened luminaries – on and off planet – throughout my lifetime. And I hold their living transmissions to now share with you, in the highest integrity in truth and assist your physical healing. As a filmmaker, I spent time documenting the path of Shamanism and its many healing modalities & plant medicine, while also being attuned to rites within the lineage. I have interviewed and filmed hundreds of people around the globe since 2009, and being in this type of fast paced environment you learn the true essence of spirit and what we tend to hide in our subconscious belief patterns. I share a combination of ancient and galactic wisdom, clairvoyant guidance, biology, nutrition and modern science as my life path of helping others transform their lives! Learn more at

Amy Terepka

Exploring Earth Medicine and Harmonizing with Nature’s Rhythm – January 28th

Amy is a bodyworker, earth medicine practitioner, priestess, writer, and teacher in Portland, OR. Her practice, Groundwater Healing, focuses on an embodied approach to spiritual medicine, helping people reconnect with their bodies and their innate personal power, sourced from a rooted connection with the Earth. Through plant medicines, somatic guidance, energy healing, and more, she encourages healing alongside the seasons of your body and the Earth, and kinship with nature, the elements, and the plants. She is passionate about helping the world heal its deep wounds of disconnection. She is the author of the Sacred Seasons Guidebooks, and offers bodywork, energy work, plant spirit medicine, and soulful embodiment facilitation. She also has an array of online classes and programs including Call into Darkness: Deepening Plant Allyship, and The Golden Stone Wisdom School. Learn more at

De'Nicea Hilton Harper

P.L.A.Y. Into Your Path and Purpose – January 29th

For those on a hunt to Lead Authentically in their lives, they’ll find that the answers as to ‘who’ that is is much closer than they think…within their own Whole Body Self! While practicing as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Holistic Well-Being Consultant, De’Nicea Hilton Harper saw a connection between Authentic Leadership and Holistic Health. This was the perfect opportunity to create Playful Experiences and Tools that people could use to facilitate the Discovery (and Being!) of their Perfect Authentic Self – while optimizing their Holistic Health. You’ll see De’Nicea weaving the connections of Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical Health for more meaningful relationships with Self and others while speaking, facilitating PlayShops or UnSlumber Parties. During these experiences designed to realize you’re Whole and Complete, you get to Practice BEING Perfect (vs. practice making perfect) – and Authentically Lead in ALL areas of life with Confidence, Clarity and Compassion. Learn more at

Dr. Ashwin Kumar

Wholistic Wellness: Ayurvedic and Vedic Healing Traditions – January 30th

Dr. Ashwin is an Ayurvedic physician and consultant of applied Vedic sciences, Spiritual Teacher of Vedic Kriya and Hatha Yoga & Meditation, with over two decades of experience. He regularly consults domestically and internationally to individuals and their families, families of influence, business and civic leaders on understanding and achieving their personal and professional best as well as resolving their complex health and wellness challenges.  Ashwin specializes in women’s and family health, Nadi Pariksha or pulse diagnosis, and marma therapy (accupressure or energy points).  Nadi Pariksha is an ancient Ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose bodily imbalances as well as the diseases and disorders.  It is a non- invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms.  Ashwin is classically trained in Ayurveda and Vedic sciences in India and United States; under the Guru-shisha, Guruparambara (teacher/disciple) method.  In addition, he has studied both business and modern medicine. Learn more at

Sandra Lee

Harmonizing Energies Through Biofield Tuning – January 31st

Sandra Lee is a Life Opportunity Catalyst dedicated to empowering women healers and wellness professionals in building thriving wellness practices that leave a lasting impact. By aligning your passion and purpose, you wake up every morning with a deep sense of fulfillment and drive, creating life-changing results for yourself and your clients. As a health care provider and energy modality practitioner for over 30 years, Sandra believes that everything is energy, and that seekers can create anything through intention and targeted action. Sandra’s work is unique in intuitively combining Human Design and Biofield Tuning, amplifying their powerful capabilities. She is adding the exceptionally effective MAP Coaching modality to her toolbox, assisting you in releasing emotional charge from memories and limiting beliefs. Turn up the flame feeding your magic. Learn more at

Danielle Kane

Quantum Healing Hypnosis: Infinite Possibilities for Self-Healing – January 31st

Conscious Healing Hypnosis is a practice that includes entity release, energetic healing, trauma healing, past life regression and quantum travel, and access to the subconscious.  I have certifications in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) founded by Dolores Cannon, which allows for others to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. We refer to this as the higher consciousness or the subconscious. As I furthered my own healing, I came across another hypnosis technique, SCHH (Soul Center Healing Hypnosis) founded by Laura Whitworth that offers further healing from energetic blocks, entities and trauma, which also includes past life regression and the higher self-portion on the backend of the practice.  My passion is to help others access their full-light, their connection to the “self” and higher self so they can gain a clearer understanding of their life.  This journey of finding ourselves “again” opens the door to endless possibilities to create change within and to reach for our highest potential! Learn more at

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