Seeker’s Solution Summit 72-hour Replay Period

All Interviews are unlocked until February 1st!

Ellen Meredith

Navigating Change with Energy Medicine

Richard Beaumont

The Human Design System

Derek Rydall

Turn Your Life Story into Legendary Purpose

Sukaishi David

Empower Yourself with Calm, Clear Energy – OJAYA ‘Armor’ Technique Meditation

Yvonne Perry

Vibration of Unconditional Love in Light

Dr. John Stuart Reid

Frequency Medicine: Power of Sound & Music

Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine: Discover the Gifts of Everyday Plants as Teachers & Healers

Jean Adrienne

Follow Your Heart To Your Destiny

Nina Amir

Using Kabbalah to Become a Conscious Creator

Avalaura Gaither

Healing Power of Reiki Energy

Shannon Walbran

Ask Clearer Questions, Get Better Answers!

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

Physics behind Astrology & Extrasensory Perception

Celeste Brooks

Manifesting with the Moon Cycles

Elizabeth Wood

Entering the New World and Becoming Homo-Luminous

Suara Lee

Connect with your Soul’s Truth in the Akashic Records

Meredith Ellen

Energy Medicine – January 15th

Ellen Meredith, DA, EEMAP, is the author of “The Language Your Body Speaks.” An intuitive and energy medicine practitioner with over 35 years of experience, she has served on the faculty of energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden since 2010 and teaches energy healing techniques all over the world. Ellen lives in Marin County in California. Visit her online at

Richard Beaumont

Discover the Human Design System -Jan 16th

Richard is a direct student of the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu. He has been actively involved with Human Design for more than 25 years. He is Director of Human Design UK (the national organisation for Human Design authorised by Ra Uru Hu /Jovian Archive) and has been actively promoting Human Design through many mediums for two decades. Richard also runs Human Design Films Ltd, the company that was set up to film Ra’s teachings. He is a professional Human Design Mentor quaified to train Human Design analysts, which he has done for 20 years.

Derek Rydall

Turn Your Life Story Into a Legendary Purpose – January 17th

Part of a new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is the #1 bestselling author of EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change, which reveals the revolutionary principle, the Law of Emergence, showing people how to tap into the pattern of perfection in any area of their life and create the right conditions for it to unfold. And THE ABUNDANCE PROJECT: 40 Days to More Wealth, Health, Love, and Happiness, where he lays out a time-tested system for activating the Abundance Principle, which sets you free from the belief that outer conditions determine your life and shows you how to generate everything you need no matter what conditions you face.

Sukaishi David

Empower Yourself with Clear, Calm Energy – OJAYA Meditation “Armor” Technique- January 18th

Beginning from age 17, Sukaishi David today has a 48-year history of practicing and teaching deep meditation, organic diet and holistic health lifestyles. Even at age 8, Sukaishi would try to silence his thoughts in order to achieve mastery over them. At the time, he decided it was “impossible.” The very word “meditation” was always a source of fascination to him. By 1980, Sukaishi had already learned and practiced a number of techniques for years when he first encountered his teacher, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in Delhi, India, from whom he learned many advanced secrets. Sri Sri advised Sukaishi to “teach meditation to the world” as his life’s work. Sukaishi travelled the world with Sri Sri in the early days of the Art of Living Foundation, which has now grown to be an enormous international organization with millions of followers — one of the largest independent, humanitarian NGOs in the world, holding a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

Yvonne Perry

Loving Energy of Light Language – January 19th

Yvonne Perry is a metaphysical author, healing sound therapist, workshop facilitator, and galactic practitioner of light codes. Her celestial shamanic methods help people retrieve and reintegrate multidimensional soul aspects.

Dr. John Stuart Reid

Frequency Medicine: The Healing Power of Sound and Music – January 20th

Acoustic-physics scientist, John Stuart Reid, is a man on a mission to educate and inspire the world in the field of cymatics, the study of visible sound. His CymaScope invention has forever changed our perception of sound: seeing sound allows us to understand this omnipresent aspect of our world and universe fuller and deeper. His cymatics research is helping to elevate this important new field in the scientific arena, including investigating the therapeutic powers of sound and music. In the medical field his study of the effects of music on human blood has created new horizons of medical research, and his study to differentiate between the sounds emitted by cancer cells and healthy cells, published in the Water Journal, has far reaching health implications. In 2021 he was invited to write a chapter on Sound Therapy and Music Medicine for a new medical text book, which is now available for free download.

Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine: Discover the Gifts of Everyday Plants as Teachers & Healers – January 21st

Robin Rose Bennett is a story-teller, writer, and herbalist. She has been offering classes in Wisewoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings since 1986 – at herb conferences, festivals, clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants. Robin Rose shares herbal medicine with gratitude for the loving generosity of the plants and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life. She is on the faculty of the New York Open Center and the Arbor-Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, and is the author of two meditation mp3’s and the books: Healing Magic- A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living and The Gift of Healing Herbs- Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life. (FB: @Wisewomanhealingways, IG: @RobinRoseBennett, For more information, visit:

Jean Adrienne

Follow Your Heart to Your Destiny – January 22nd

Jean Adrienne is the author of 6 books and 2 decks of metaphysical healing and activation cards. Jean created InnerSpeak, a coaching tool for clearing karmic blocks from this lifetime, past lives and ancestors, to enable you to create the life and reality you desire and deserve! She works with clients via phone and Zoom and teaches this method globally.

Nina Amir

Using Kabbalah to Become a Conscious Creatore – January 23rd

Nina Amir is known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach. As one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches working around the world, she combines personal and spiritual growth strategies to help her clients Achieve More Inspired Results and create lives that feed their souls. As an intuitive transformational catalyst, she works with people who want to realize their dreams, achieve their potential, fulfill their purpose, and live fully. Nina is also a bestselling author, certified Law of Attraction Coach, certified rebirther, trained voice dialogue facilitator, and ordained minister.

Avalaura Gaither

Reiki Enery – January 24th

Avalaura is an internationally celebrated Celebrity Life Coach & Intuitive Consultant with a background in social work, mental health and counseling. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Howard University. If that wasn’t enough, she is also a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Life Coach, and Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Aromatherapist and Yoga/Meditation Instructor. She is also a speaker of over 15 years and creator of two soul-stirring podcasts, “Avalaura Heal My Life” and “Black Women Leave America” which you can listen to on Itunes, Spotify, Iheart radio, stitcher radio and more. Avalaura has been featured for her work on the Real Housewives of Potomac, Men’s Health, Afro American Newspaper, Ruby Magazine, the Huffington Post, Readers Digest and The Root.

Shannon Walbran

Ask Clearer Questions, Get Better Answers! – January 25th

Shannon Walbran is a psychic life coach and spiritual mentor who has helped more than 25,000 clients around the world.
She is the author of the book “Guided!” available on Audible, and the creator of the Urban Angel Cards, a unique oracle deck, available on Amazon. Shannon believes you can learn how to download your own divine guidance and apply it to make your life easier and more purpose-aligned.
Her website is

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

Physics Behind Astrology and Extrasensory Perception – January 26th

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau is a New York based astrologer, writer, speaker and ESP practitioner. A former nuclear physicist from Russia, she has been studying and practicing astrology and extrasensory techniques for over 30 years. Her passion lies in deep investigation and explanation of how astrology and ES abilities work from physics perspective. Her revolutionary theoretical framework explaining the physics behind planetary influence on our daily life and human extrasensory perception is presented in ‘Physics of Astrology’ book ( Related articles by Nadia have been published in NCGR e-news, C*I*A website and Astro-Vision e-book, OPA Magazine, Dell Horoscope and more. Nadia has a substantial experience in writing astrology predictions for newspapers as well as presenting them live on radio. Nadia has been interviewed on various media channels, like TV, radio and Youtube.

Celeste Brooks

Manifesting with the Moon Cycles – January 27th

Celeste Brooks is the Founder and Principal Astrologer at Astrology by Celeste LLC. Understanding her celestial design unlocked the mysteries of her personality, deepened her relationships with others, and provided a beacon for her life’s purpose. Since living in sync with the celestial cycles, she manifested early retirement from her corporate career.
Celeste feels a calling to guide others on their paths. Her offerings include personal readings, horary consultation, cosmic success coaching, group events, and Moon Mastery™ classes. Her podcast, Celestial Insights, offers weekly guidance to surf the cosmic tides. She discusses the astrology of current events on her popular Instagram lives. Before transitioning into astrology full-time, she had a successful sales and marketing career at Fortune 500 companies spanning over 25 years. She has an undergraduate degree in Integrative Biology from UC Berkeley and an M.B.A. from St. Mary’s College. Her website is

Elizabeth Wood

Entering the New World and Becoming Homo-Luminous – January 28th

Considered an advanced seer, Elizabeth Wood works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology, trauma healing and futurism. With her lifelong ability to see into and work with all dimensions, her theoretical and psychic work has helped people all over the world. Called “Living Library and Oracle”, Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine. She has two science degrees, including a Masters in Applied Anthropology. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.

Suara Lee

Connect with Your Soul’s Truth in the Akashic Records – January 29th

Suara is an Akashic Records reader, teacher and healer. She has spent over 10 years working with clients to discover their soul gifts, release past life blocks and step into more clarity of who they are on a Soul Level with the Akashic Records.

Her passion is to support others on their healing journey using many different modalities but espeically the Akashic Records.

“It really is amazing to learn that there are so many wonderful modalities to help people heal their trauma and get on with living their life purpose.  Thanks again for providing such wonderful resources to hopefully a lot of people.  The time is now to help people awaken and change their lives.  When we heal ourselves…we heal the world.”

~Judie K.

“I have to tell you…. I am really enjoying this group of sessions.  It is really interesting how they all have a little different take on things and yet all meaningful and similar. After each session I am thinking , ok, this is the one I am going to have a connection with. Then I watch another and go, no wait, this feels good as well lol.  Anyway, I just want to write to say thank you…”  
~Ron S.

“I attended the summit you created and want to say a huge THANK YOU.  it was wonderful to watch and hear so many souls doing this magnificent work.   I felt so uplifted watching each one.  And I loved your interview technique. So connected and so engaged with each person.  Thank you for bringing this to the table.”  

~ Bonnie S.