Seeker’s Solution featuring Suara Lee

12-month Intention Journal and Intention Meditation

Meet Suara

Hi, I’m Suara. This is the name which was given to me by my Guides of the Akashic Records as my spiritual name. It means ‘sound’ or ‘voice’.

My story of connection to the Akashic Records is similar to many followers of the Akasha. I was always a spiritual seeker and looked beyond the religion my upbringing for answers. I sought the wisdom of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and the New Age. I learned healing practices through Spiritual Psychology, Meditation, Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, Qi Gong, Sound Therapy and finally, the Akashic Records.

Entering the Records for the first time was profound and yet familiar somehow, like a secret place I had always known and visited many times in my dreams. With each visit into my Records, I gained more insight into my limiting patterns, where they came from and how to heal them. My purpose in this lifetime and ultimately my soul’s journey became clear to me and has been guiding me ever since.

Now, after working in the Akashic Records for many years and with hundreds of clients, I am passionate to share how the Akashic Records can support you to reveal the Truth within you so that you can live in your full empowerment and Divine Self Expression.

Find out more about Suara Lee



July 13th Interview

The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records

(Click to Play Video)

Find out more about Suara Lee

